21 May 1898 saw the birth of the Sparnacian Society of Philately (Société Sparnacienne de Philatélie), chaired by Paul PONTHIEU
It was a real challenge to the creation of a philatelic society and there were not many benchmarks, basics of stamps collection as we know, either did not exist, or at most were embryonic. It was then very easy to collect all worldwide emissions, and the scissors were underway to cut the stamps in use in France since 1849.
At first, the influence of S.P.S. is very modest, but its founders did not get the responsibility, because the events laid them traps on their way. They had to face two World Wars and their consequences, including an occupation of more than 50 months in 1939/1945. And it must be admitted, that they were not taken seriously, the philatelists of the time!
With thirty members, SPS, had the merit to carry on on, against all odds, with the goal of its founders, always trying to raise philately awareness for all. This work, obscure and obstinate, is rightfully the Founding President, Mr. de PONTHIEU, who passed away 4th July 1947. For 49 years, he carried at arm’s length child that, we can be so proud of today. Little information about him is available to us.