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enInformation about our association
... To know us better ...
One of the five philatelic (...)
Our meetings take place at the "Maison des Associations"
Our meetings take place at the (...)
Dear friends
The year 2020 is coming to an end and so it is. Goodbye 2020! Without wanting to (...)
Dear friends
For few hours now, a new year opened its doors.
It is a privileged time to (...)
Dear friends,
Our 2012-2013 season ended with the 60th anniversary of the twinning between (...)
The Franco-German twinnings associate two municipalities, counties or regions, which establish (...)
Dear friends,
While those going on holidays in July will live the place for those going in (...)
Dear Friends
The 2012 Spring Exhibition in Epernay just closed its doors. It was generally (...)
Dear friends
The Board of Directors and I express our best wishes for the coming year. Would (...)
Dear Friends,
After getting back to work, after the beginning of the school semester, (...)
Dear friends,
The year 2016 has just end on a positive assessment for our association. (...)
Edito 03-01-2023
Dear friends, 2022 ends with mixed results. The relative end of the (...)
Dear friends, One moment I was tempted to copy and paste the editorial of last year! The (...)
Dear friends
In the previous editorial I told you about a large number of events or upcoming (...)
While our passion sinks gently into a devastating gloom, our association remains full of (...)
The A.P.S. is not the organizer of the Spring Exhibition.
For any (...)
You can purchase the souvenir published by our Association for the Spring Salon.
All visuals (...)
View on the stands:
Board of the CNEP :
Stand of the APS and the Exhibition:
Inauguration (...)
seen on billboards:
in Infophil of April
Press release: l’Hebdo du vendredi
L’Hebdo du vendredi speaks about the Spring Exhibition in (...)
You can find my jewelry made with stamps at the Spring Exhibition in Epernay from April 13 to (...)
Penned by Monika Nowacka, the blog of the Association of Art of Engraved Stamps dedicates a (...)
Some members of the Association of Art of Engraved Stamps will be present in Epernay at the (...)
Map of the stands
A3 ORLEANS (...)
Phil@poste introduced us the "philatelic souvenir" to be sold by the Post Office in during the (...)
April 15th, 1912 will remain a memorable date: R.M.S. TITANIC, operatd by the White Star Line (...)
Press folder of the 2012 Spring Exhibition
Edited by ’La Poste", CNEP and (...)
Created by Sophie BEAUJARD
Next first issues of stamps of TAAF will be in Epernay
Not less than two issues will be on (...)
Visual stamp of EPERNAY
Phil@poste information
© La Poste - 2012
A view of the LISA thumbnail
Phil@poste information
SpringPhilatelic Exhibition 2012 in (...)
more information on our website or ATG blog (...)
Spring exhibition announcement
program (forecast):
40 stands of specialized dealers (...)
Spring Exhibition will hold
at the exhibition center "Le Millesium"
1, rue Jean Bagnost - (...)
Coming by train
Where you come from, you will find all the schedules on: (...)
Mouveo : buses in Epernay
Bus station in Duchatel street in Epernay (next to the train (...)
Where to stay: hotels in Epernay
List (not exhaustive) of hotels in Epernay:
Hôtel “ LA (...)
Hereunder is mentionned a list of the exhibitors that, we shall host during MARCOPHILEX XXXVI (...)
You can purchase souvenirs published by the Association during MARCOPHILEX XXXVI
All visuals (...)
During the exhibition, Hennequin bottles of Champagne will be ornemented and labelled with (...)
Main hall
Side hall and list of the dealers
Saturday 20 October, during Marcophilex XXXVI in Epernay, there will be a public meeting of (...)
Here can seen the date stamp model that will be used during the event.
It has been drawn by (...)
Please keep in mind:
deadline of the response
send your registrations to those (...)
All informations are available on the website of the "Union Marcophile". (...)
How to arrive in Epernay
Map of Epernay
you can download this map in PDF format :
Coming by train
Where you come from, you will find all the schedules of: (...)
Mouveo : buses in Epernay
Bus station in Duchatel street in Epernay (next to the train (...)
Where to stay: hotels in Epernay
List (not exhaustive) of hotels in Epernay :
Hôtel “ LA (...)
For the first time Marcophilex XXXVI will propose, to its visitors, a LISA thumbnail sticker (...)
From the "Société Philatélique" (Philatelic Society) to the Association Philatélique Sparnacienne (...)
21 May 1898 saw the birth of the Sparnacian Society of Philately (Société Sparnacienne de (...)
The election for president, on 25th July 1947 of Paul DAUVISSAT, who joined the SPS in 1901, (...)
18 January 1959 Amédée JOBERT, well known to the 70 Society’s members, which he joined in 1945, (...)
Amédée JOBERT is replaced by Mr. Marcel GARY
Amédée JOBERT was replaced by Marcel GARY, who, (...)
In 1974, in order to take full charge of the presidency of the Third Region, Champagne-Ardenne, (...)
P. Billon Elected as president of the Association 22 November 1977, Pierre Billon, who joined (...)
In November 1998 following the withdrawal of Billon, Bruno MELIN was elected as president of (...)
Regarding A. P.S.
The whole site is covered by French and international (...)
Protection of personal data
No personal information will be online without your knowledge. (...)
A. P.S. assumes no liability for damages arising out of or related to the use (...)
Responsable for publication : the President, Bruno Melin Association "loi 1901" n° SIRET : 479 (...)
No international meetings for now
No international events for now.