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1947 - 1958 : Paul DAUVISSAT

The election for president, on 25th July 1947 of Paul DAUVISSAT, who joined the SPS in 1901, one of the precursors too, marks a new step for the Society which was countains 45 members. There were 58 in 1927, including 8 women, same proportion as today. Some of our current members can find here the names of their fathers or grandfathers.

Very quickly DAUVISSAT, who chaired over the destinies of SPS until 31 December 1958, hoisted it to a much higher level and made it known outside of our city. He was the precursor of philatelic exhibitions in EPERNAY, performing the Centennial Stamp event in 1949. It was a great celebration for all philatelists. Mr. DAUVISSAT also created our library, because he realized the need to have at our disposal a rich and varied documentation. The federal medal rewarded his work, during the National Congress in Amiens in 1959.

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