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1998 - today : Bruno MELIN

In November 1998 following the withdrawal of Billon, Bruno MELIN was elected as president of APS. Member since 1975, he joined the board of directors in 1979 and successively deals with the library service then its supplies one. Deputy President for many years he is the backbone of the Regional Congress in Epernay in 1997 and events related to the centennial of the association in 1998

Since its accession to the presidency of the APS, it aims to:

• develop philately among schools and youth (prime place of the clubs in the national youth competition in Marseilles in 2002)

• make annual Sparnacian Philatelic Spring in the form of an exhibition or conference extension

• externalize activities of the APS through a popular bulletin • develop contacts with the Epernay twinned cities (in particular with representatives of Montespertoli in Italy)

• participate to cultural activities in the city of Epernay the "Habit de lumière" with the Office of Tourism • organize philatelic events:

• 2001 the first championship of Philatelic in the Marne • 2003 "first day" of the stamp " Champagne’s vineyards" from minisheet "France to live"

• 2006 "first day" of the stamp "harvest" from the minisheet " France to live"

• 1999 the stamp fair: (Asterix), 2003 (Lucky Luke), 2006 (Spirou)

• actively participate to the managment of the Philatelic Group Champagne-Ardenne

• delagate since ....

• holder of the Medal in 1998 GPCA

• newsletter editor "PhilaChampardenne" since October 2000

• Biscara’ plate in 2004 federal congress in Paris

• GPCA Treasurer since October 2005

Let us hope that, in the coming years, the APS still find Men like its successive presidents, without reminding all members of the Board of Directors, that without them nothing is possible. They ensure that all philatelists in the area of Epernay, to date 111 members, including 8 young (with thirty scholars in additions) can always find, in a friendly and cordial surrounding, all that a federated Philatelic association can provide as services.

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No international events for now.
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