Dear friends,
One moment I was tempted to copy and paste the editorial of last year!
The decline in our workforce continues following the deaths of our members.
Great satisfaction from our competitors in the exhibitions with the culmination of the title of European champion won by Tanguy Pron in Tempere (Finland) and a grand Youth prize won in Bandung (Indonesia) ... Results we reported in the news on this site!
Our Board of Directors is always present and active to the satisfaction of all.
Events successfully carried out (exibition at the Tourist Office "Épernay Pays de Champagne" for commemorations of the 14-18 War and in memory of the 50th anniversary of the twinning between Epernay and Middelkerke (Belgium). Another was less successful, and this is a pity. The superb conference, very documented, given by Laurent Albaret who did not find his public. Too bad, the absentees were wrong!
Here is a summary of what we did in 2017 outside the service activities.
For 2018, the agenda is already busy even if some dates remain to be specified:
General Assembly March 18th
65th anniversary of the twinning Epernay - Ettlingen (presumably mid-June)
Congress of the Philatelic Group Champagne-Ardenne, October 20 and 21 (if the City of Epernay grants us the Holiday Palace ...)
Presence at the Tourist Office "Épernay Pays de Champagne" for commemorations of the 14-18 War in November (for the 5th consecutive year).
And let’s not forget that our association will celebrate with dignity 120 years (anniversary on May 21, 2018) ... making it one of the oldest associations of Epernay and one of the oldest philatelic associations federated.
A 2018 year that looks busy! The members of the Board of Directors and I wish you this new year full of joys, happiness, health to fully enjoy your philatelic activities and commitment to our side to make a great year 2018.
Bruno Melin