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Knowing us better

Information about our association

... To know us better ...

One of the five philatelic associations federated in the Marne district , the APS was created 21st May 1898. It benefits from the regime of the 1901 Act. The A. P.S., is part of the Philatelic Group Champagne-Ardenne (GPCA) and one of the oldest associations of Epernay and the French Federation of Philatelic Associations (FFAP), having operated continuously without any inception since its fondation. It is numbered 8/III. At the moment there are around 133 members (111 adults and 22 youth and school).

Traditionally, its goals are to develop and promote for all friends of the stamps:

> Taste of the collection;

> Study and collection of postal markings (marcophily), ancient and modern;

> Thematic and the open class, or how to illustrate a theme from philatelic documents or not;

> Postal History;

> Fiscal philately;

> Postcards.

> The promotion of philatelic science.

To achieve this, and in exchange of a very low annual fee, it offers its members:

> A service of new stamps: ensuring the provision, for each issue of stamps, books, wheels, blocks, postal stationery, precanceled from France or foreign countries, and other postal documents;

> Service trade (exchange): with special booklets, made by members of the association who wish to let other members to benefit stamps or documents they wish to sell;

> A delivery service of philatelic material: making available, on request, catalogs, folders, album pages, covers and other materials such as tweezers, magnifiers etc. ... at preferential rates;

> A special library: lending freely, all documentation as books, pamphlets, newspapers and magazines;

> Newsletter: relating the life of the association and with many philatelic articles;

> A website;

> A monthly meeting: lead by communications outreach and audio-visual projections

> A club "Young" lead by experienced instructors. They introduce youngsters to philately;

> An school animation : introduction to stamp collecting in schools at the request of school teachers. Stamp collecting is a cultural activity, an excellent educational tool that addresses numerous subjects such as history or classical art, geography, economic or political, social studies or other, etc ...

> Participation to exhibitions: local, regional, national and international.

Our meetings usually take place, the third Sunday of each month (except July and August) at the "Maison des Associations", 8 rue Maurice Cerveau, in Epernay, France, from 9 am to 11 pm 45.

A warm, friendly support, expert advice ... waiting for you! So, you, who like the stamps, do not remain solitary, join us ... You will take fun with stamps! For further information, please contact:


03 51 85 10 68 - 06 62 42 54 85


Association Loi 1901

N ° Siret: 479 812 216 0001 4

Code APE: 913E

Registered office: Maison des Associations, 51 Epernay

correspondence at the President’s home:

23 rue Joliot Curie, 51100 Reims, France

Nos réunions
No international meetings for now
No international events for now.
Epernay Marne CA FFAP ADP GPCA Académie Timbre gravé La Poste L'Union RCF