Dear friends
In the previous editorial I told you about a large number of events or upcoming events in the first half of 2019. It’s time to take stock!
The Stamp Festival at the "Espace Jeunesse" of the "Palais des Fêtes" on March 9th and 10th with a beautiful philatelic exhibition and old vehicles. Alain Bouldouyre, the engraver of memories for the FFAP, did us the honor of coming to dedicate his creations on Sunday. The affluence was better than the previous Sparnacian Stamp Festival. The theme is probably for something. The icing on the cake, a visitor won one of the ten cameras in the national draw;
our GA on March 17 validated the previous year;
Meeting of the GPCA in Châlons-en-Champagne on March 23 during which the Sparnacian representatives objected to the project of new statutes in which the grouping would become an association of members and no longer an association of clubs ... We will see what think the specialists of our federation. Case to follow in September.
26th and 27th of April: 15th anniversary of the twinning with Montespertoli. As for the anniversaries of previous twinnings (Middelkerke in 2017 and Ettlingen in 2018) we published a map, two MTAM that can be obliterated by an illustrated date stamp. All these memories are the work of our friend Roland Irolla. Not being there at this time, my colleagues perfectly represented the association. Thank you to them for this great success. For latecomers, there are some remaining memories ...
FFAP congress in Montpellier from 7 to 10 June: like almost all the clubs in the region, we were represented. No important decisions. The federal contribution will not increase, nor the cost of subscription to the "Philatelie FRançaise".
French championship in Montpellier: two representatives participated. Carton full! Louis Fanchini becomes the new champion of France with the grand prize of the exhibition (96 points) and gets 93 and 88 points for his two other collections. Thierry Delmotte also gets gold, with his postcard collection (93 points). See the winners in the news section;
GPCA meeting in Reims on June 15th: nothing new under the sun!
After all the excellent results collected during the last fifteen years in competition (numerous national and international awards for young people and adults, the organization of regional and national events). Faced with the indifference of our regional and national leaders, the members of the APS board are wondering what they have yet to do to get recognition for the work they have done ... and if it is necessary to continue in this way. The reflection is open. Fortunately, for the moment, it is still the pleasure that makes us move forward.
There is still more to come in September:
Regional Congress in Sens (October 12 and 13)
Marcophilex in Montrond-les-Bains (11th to 13th of October)
CNEP Autumn Show from 6 to 9 November
We will have the opportunity to come back to these topics later.
In the meantime, my Board colleagues join me in wishing you an excellent and sunny summer season.
Bruno Melin